Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Godspeed You! Black Emperor - F#A#∞ (1997)

Artist: Godspeed You! Black Emperor
Album: F#A#∞
Year: 1997
Genre: Post Rock/Experimental
Country of Origin: Canada

Track Listing:

When I decided that this blog would be heavily music oriented, I also made the decision that I would post other genres other than just black metal. Up until now I really haven't lived up to that personal decision, but that will change with Godspeed You! Black Emperor.

Godspeed You! Black Emperor is an experimental post-rock group from Canada. With F#A#∞ they have composed three lengthy tracks, each with their own sections within, typical to most classical music. Conceptually the album deals with the end of the world, and the abandonment of our modern societies. The music reflects this atmosphere perfectly, and quite beautifully perhaps advocating an anti-human ideology or perhaps just a disgust of the modern world.

Recommended to all fans of Dark Music with an Open Mind.

Download (Mediafire)

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Raate - Demo I (2004)

Artist: Raate
Album: Demo I
Year: 2004
Genre: Black Metal/Dark Ambient
Country of Origin: Finland

Track Listing:

3.Halki Kuolleen Maan06:42
4.Kaskeajan Laulu04:11
5.Aamu Koittaa06:03
Total playing time42:22

Raate's first demo was the sign of a very mature project, even at this early stage in it's development. The packaging of the tape itself is of a high quality, and the cassette is professionally printed.

A lot of people like to write Raate off because of their affinity to Buzum, but I don't necessarily think this is a bad thing. At some point we've all heard the appalling attempts of some bands to emulate Vikernes' style (see Fear of Eternity), but it's done here very well. Raate can more than adequately pull off the Burzum sound, while adding enough of their own uniqueness to make this demo highly enjoyable in my opinion. Also, since the Sielu, Linna full length album was released Raate have proven themselves to be more than just Burzum conventionalists, by further developing their own sound. A very enjoyable release.

Recommended for fans of Burzum, I Shalt Become, Weakling, ect.

Personal Cassette Tape Rip:
Download (Mediafire)
Download (Megaupload)

Note: There is only one mp3 track for each side of the cassette. Tracks 1-4 are on the first track (Side A) and 5-7 are on the second (Side B).

Sunday, April 26, 2009

I Shalt Become - The Pendle Witch Trials (2009)

Artist: I Shalt Become
Album: The Pendle Witch Trials
Year: 2009
Genre: Black Metal/Dark Ambient
Country of Origin: USA

Track Listing:
2.Enstasy (The Theory of Maxwell's Demon)05:23
3.The Serpent Song04:53
4.A Ritual Killing04:56
5.The Tragedie of Macbeth: Actus Quintus, Scena Quinta03:17
6.End Time03:48
8.In Absentia04:32
Total playing time34:58

I Shalt Become was one of the first USBM acts I ever really got into, and it's still amongst some of my favorite projects to this day. Recently since the I Shalt Become catalog has become available years after it's recordings on labels like Moribund Cult and No Colours I've seen many complain that S. Holliman never differentiates one release from the other. I personally disagree.

Each new I Shalt Become offering creates a different aura unique to that release. It also seems that loosely each album focuses loosely on some sort of concept, through abstract short lyrics and largely Burzum inspired riffs. While admittingly The Pendle Witch Trials doesn't make the leap that Wanderings did to In the Falling Snow and into Requiem, it's still a very strong release. Anyone who has enjoyed S. Holliman's previous work should find value in this as well.

Recommended for Fans of: Burzum, Sterbend, Raate, Judas Iscariot, ect.

Download (Mediafire)

*The Official I Shalt Become website is now up and running at:

Friday, April 24, 2009

Sear Bliss - Forsaken Symphony (2002)

Artist: Sear Bliss
Album: Forsaken Symphony
Year: 2002
Genre: Symphonic Black Metal/Folk
Country of Origin: Hungary

Track Listing:
  1. Last Stand
  2. My Journey to the Stars
  3. She Will Return
  4. The Vanishing
  5. The Forsaken
  6. When Death Comes
  7. Eternal Battlefield
  8. Enthralling Mystery
  9. The Hour of Burning
A great offering from this still relatively unknown group from Hungary. Sear Bliss offers what could possibly be one of the greatest symphonic black metal releases from this century with Forsaken Symphony. They tread on new ground by liberally making use of some sort of horn instrument, which integrates very well with the rest of the mix to create a very thick ubiquitous sound. The music itself feels very inspired by the romantic movement of the 18th and 19th centuries, or at least could somehow be related to it.

A very impressive release. Expect to see more from Sear Bliss in the future of this blog.

Recommended for Fans of Hellveto, Nokturnal Mortum, Emperor, ect.

Download (Mediafire)

Burzum - Filosofem (1996)

Artist: Burzum
Album: Filosofem
Year: 1996
Genre: Black Metal/Dark Ambient
Country of Origin: Norway

Track Listing:
  1. Burzum
  2. Jesu Død
  3. Beholding the Daughters of the Firmament
  4. Decrepitude I
  5. Rundtgåing Av Den Transcendentale Egenhetens Støtte
  6. Decrepitude II
I'm sure everyone out there is already familiar with this release, but I feel it's still worth posting since it is an absolute classic. This is without a doubt my favorite Burzum release, and while I don't adhere to the pathetic personality cult Varg has developed over the years, I will say that the man can make some amazing music.

This album is truly a spiritual experience in the right environment, and really cannot be fully appreciated unless listened to in it's entirety. The first three tracks effectively begin the journey into your consciousness with minimalistic, slowly evolving, nostalgic and thought provoking soundscapes. As you enter into the Decreptitude I your mind is slowly introduced to the self reflective calm ambient that makes up the rest of the album, allowing your thoughts to flow through your mind congenially and with ease. The music becomes unimportant, as it transcends itself becoming a part of your human experience. I find that it's particularly enlightening when taking long walks in the late afternoon into the evening. This is the soundtrack to self discovery.

A truly amazing album, that embodies the music listening experience. Highly recommended for everyone.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Aquilus - Arbor EP (2007)

Artist: Aquilus
Album: Arbor EP
Year: 2007
Genre: Symphonic Black Metal/Folk
Country of Origin: Australia

Track Listing:
  1. Unveil
  2. Harrowing Duskfall
  3. As Late Shadows Skulk

The first physical release by this still unsigned Australian group. Although relatively short, this EP is still very impressive. Aquilus manages to create some truly unique atmospheres, with a near perfect mix of traditional harsh black metal elements, folk, and omni-present synths. The only downside to this release is that it is an EP, and because of this it is relatively short. What is also unfortunate is that even though this EP is already two years old, so far it has been their latest release and they have never produced a full length. Hopefully sometime in the near future we will see the triumphant return of Aquilus.

Recommended for fans of Hellveto, Opeth, Agalloch, Kataxu, ect.

Download (Mediafire)

Panopticon - Self Titled (2008)

Artist: Panopticon
Album: Self Titled
Year: 2008
Genre: Black Metal/Crust Punk
Country of Origin: USA

Track Listing:
  1. Intro
  2. Flag Burner, Torch Bearer
  3. I, Hedonist
  4. ...Speaking...
  5. The Lay of Grimnir
  6. Archetype
  7. Emma's Song
  8. *Bonus Track: I.C.B.M. (Amebix cover)

The debut release from the still relatively unknown project known as Panopticon is definitely worth your attention. Formed by former Anagnorisis front man Austin Lunn (under the pseudonym "A"), Panopticon takes black metal in a direction not typical of the genre.

Most post-modern pagan movements fall into the extreme right-wing nationalist sphere of the political spectrum. This is particularly true in the case of most pagan black metal projects. However, Panopticon goes the other way regarding this trend, incorporating agrarian anarchism into paganism to fuel the ideology behind the project.

The music is truly aggressive, creating it's own atmosphere reflecting the project's anarchist principles. It could have easily been a soundtrack to the Chicago Haymarket Riots, or any other grass roots revolution.

I believe this release is out of print already, but he has a couple splits available and a full length release due out early this summer.

Recommended for anyone looking for something different, or fans of Amebix, Xasthur, Weakling, or current Darkthrone.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Film: Network (1976)

I normally don't get much out of watching movies, but I was recommended this not too long ago, so I figured I'd check it out. I was honestly struck by Network's brilliance in portraying the gritty corporate reality behind all the smoke and mirrors that keep millions transfixed to their television sets everyday. I had never heard of this movie until very recently, and with it's unenlightening portrayal of the media I guess that's no surprise.

Network is about Howard Beele, a veteran network anchorman who's been fired because of low ratings. His response is to announce he'll kill himself on live television two weeks hence. What follows, along with skyrocketing ratings, is the anchorman's descent into insanity, during which he fervently rages against the medium that made him a celebrity.

Although released over 30 years ago, Network is still relevant today. Howard Beele's "descent into insanity" can be seen as a response in a desperate man that has finally come to terms with modern society and the absurd life it creates. Although very generalized, it demonstrates the ills of a profit oriented corporate structure. Making a profit by any means necessary, ignoring the inherent inhumanity of such an approach.

A great film that decades after it's release continues to receive recognition from reviewers, but largely forgotten by the masses.

A Beginning...

Recently, on March 20th of this year, those of us in the northern hemisphere passed through the annual Vernal Equinox. This signals the start of Spring, and with it a new energy emerges on the planet. An energy that allows us grow, in all aspects of life. For the ancients Spring was a symbol of rebirth, the resurrection of nature and the return of food supplies.

In a way this characterizes what I wish to do with this blog. To grow, by examining the emerging reality that we are confronted with everyday. While looking to the past and those who came before us to understand what they have learned. In short, the goal here is to understand the totality of the human experience.